
布魯克納節奏安東·布魯克納交響樂中的2+3(二連音+三連音)或 3+2節奏,它頻繁[1][2]且以許多不同形式出現。[3]



{ \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \relative es' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"piano" \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \stemUp \tempo 2 = 55 \clef "tenor" \key es \major \time 2/2
 es4 _\markup{ \italic {marc.} } \ff bes4 \times 2/3 {
  as4 g4 f4
 | % 2
 es4 r4 r2 }
>> }

布魯克納還在他的第二交響曲中使用了重複單個音高的節奏(例如,第20和122小節)。[5]在他的第六交響曲中,布魯克納節奏出現的程度比以前的作品要多得多,在幾個部分出現的時間略有不同。一開始,它作為小提琴音域中高音弦以固定音出現,與大提琴中不同節奏的旋律(第3小節)[6]相對應,而在第 195-209小節,它用於表達六聲音階循環和弦。 [7]這種節奏在第八交響曲的次要主題組中以更「易於處理」的形式出現,通常在所有部分中以相同的方式出現。

{ \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"piano" \key c \minor \clef treble \time 2/2 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \stemUp \tempo 2 = 55
     <> \p<> ^\markup \italic {"Breit und ausdrucksvoll" } d'4( e') \tuplet 3/2 { fis' g' a' }
     b'2 cis'4 d'
     ees'( f') \tuplet 3/2 { g' a' b' }
     b'( c'') c''2 }
 \new Staff <<
  \new Voice \relative c' { \stemUp \clef bass \key c \minor \time 2/2
  b2 b2
  b2. d4
  ees2. r4 }
  \new Voice \relative c { \stemDown
  <g d'>1~
  <g d'>2 <g f'>2
  <g ees'>2. <gis f'>4
  <a ges'>2. r4 }
>> >> }



  1. ^ Milton John Cross英語Milton Cross & David Ewen, Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music. New York: Doubleday (1962): 158. "The second element is a rhythmic pattern so often employed by the composer that it is known as the "Bruckner rhythm."
  2. ^ Hans-Hubert Schönzeler英語Hans-Hubert Schönzeler. Bruckner. London: Marion Boyars Publishers. 1978: 59. 
  3. ^ John Williamson英語John Williamson (musicologist), "The Brucknerian symphony: an overview", The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner英語Cambridge Companions to Music, ed. John Williamson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2004): 79. "Yet even so instantly recognizable a rhythmic tic can be used with great variety."
  4. ^ Benjamin Korstvedt​(法語, "Aspects of Bruckner's approach to symphonic form" The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner, ed. John Williamson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2004): 186.
  5. ^ Derek Watson英語Derek Watson (actor and musicologist), Bruckner. New York: Schuster & Macmillan (1997): 81
  6. ^ (Williamson, 2004): 79
  7. ^ Kevin Swinden, "Bruckner and harmony" The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner, ed. John Williamson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2004): 222. "The orchestral texture through this passage is thick, articulating block chords in the 'Bruckner-rhythm' that characterizes the movement, supporting a reprise of the first theme of the symphony."

